1/4 or More Beef: Down Payment

from $100.00

Buy in bulk & choose your own custom processing. Stock your freezer with a 1/4, 1/2 or more & enjoy beef all year long!

Bulk Price: $3.49/lb of hanging weight -Paid to S & J Farms

Processing is additional & paid directly to the local locker.

Average 1/4 hanging weight: 190-240 lbs (potential outliers depending on the season)

Reserve My Beef

Buy in bulk & choose your own custom processing. Stock your freezer with a 1/4, 1/2 or more & enjoy beef all year long!

Bulk Price: $3.49/lb of hanging weight -Paid to S & J Farms

Processing is additional & paid directly to the local locker.

Average 1/4 hanging weight: 190-240 lbs (potential outliers depending on the season)

Buy in bulk & choose your own custom processing. Stock your freezer with a 1/4, 1/2 or more & enjoy beef all year long!

Bulk Price: $3.49/lb of hanging weight -Paid to S & J Farms

Processing is additional & paid directly to the local locker.

Average 1/4 hanging weight: 190-240 lbs (potential outliers depending on the season)

Are you a returning customer? Click here to reserve your beef & Re-order: Returning Customer Order

Buying In Bulk

  1. Choose your amount & Click “Reserve My Beef”

  2. Fill out your information & desired month.

  3. Pay your down payment.

  4. Pick your date & locker.

  5. Your date arrives—Give your cutting instructions to the locker!

  6. You beef is aged, cut & ready to pick up!

  7. Pay your final bill to S & J Farms

  8. Pick up, pay for processing & enjoy!!